Ik hou enorm van quotes en gedichten. Dit is er bijvoorbeeld eentje die ik heel mooi vind. En zo belangrijk – wees jezelf, je mag er zijn.

Because I know who I am,
I’m at ease and free.
I can’t be like others,
And they can’t be me.
I’ve got fading scars,
An unusual physique,
But it all works together
To make me unique.
I’ve got hidden strengths,
Some obvious flaws.
Still I am who I am,
For better, for worse.
I don’t have to blend in;
I won’t live a lie.
I can’t please everyone;
I won’t even try.
Some call me proud;
Others stare at me in alarm.
But I’m not one to bother,
Because I know who I am.
Unique door Abimbola T. Alabi